Friday, December 26, 2008

Okay I'm kinda bored now, so I'll post some quotes I saw on some profiles.

"Tell me, what's it like living in a haze of stupidity?"

"Light travels faster than sound. So a person may appear bright until he/she opens his/her mouth to speak."

"When life gives you lemons, make grape juice, then sit back and watch everybody wonder how the hell you did it."

"Don't knock on Death's door; Ring the doorbell and ring, he hates that."

I'm soooo bored... Nothing's on and so I've got nothing to type. Bored bored bored.

But I found this really funny fanfic about Bleach, warning, there is a F word in two of the chapters.


Well that's it for today.

~Elemental Magix

12:26 PM

Thursday, December 25, 2008

MeRrY ChRiStMaS all! May You guys have a good 2009 and have fun celebrating Christmas!

Guess what? I got my new phone! :) It's red and a slider.

So..... Merry X'Mas!! Doubt I'll get many pressies though. I'm old. >_>

~Elemental Magix

12:38 PM

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Look! It's a bird! It's a plane! IT'S A NEW BLOG TEMPLATE!

Well this one is a lot better than the Bleach one. Lol. Nice huh? Though sometimes I really can't understand English. Beautiful Lies... ? I had a bit of a bad morning today.

What to talk about? I'm getting my new phone tonight. Um, and................................


Here are some pics, including those of the monkey. Haha. I should have elaborated that it was a Christmas Event. Click on them for a closer look.

.......O RLY?

~Elemental Magix

3:54 PM

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

School starts in 8 days. Soon, no?

I'm just... bored. But I don't wanna go back to school. Sure a lot of people I know will be there, but.... It won't be the same.

EDIT: Ok, my mentally challenged friend asked me to post again. But I don't want to spam my blog. Call me the crazy anti-spam person. So....

Um... Let's see. Last night I had another weird dream. I was at a shop with my cousin and aunt when I saw a bunch of POKEMON CARDS!!!! (Pokemon crazy girl here) I opened them up... and for the sake of those people who don't know about Pokemon I shall just say I found a card full of AWESOMENESS! Then I woke up. -.-

Never mess with dreams. They're even worse than my angered brother.

~Elemental Magix

3:36 PM

Monday, December 22, 2008

Small update... Nothing much been's going on...

Well, In Maplestory, my mom transformed into a monkey. I might seem like a sissy now, but IT WAS FRIKKIN' CUTE!!!

...And that's all I have to say.

~Elemental Magix

7:12 PM

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Due to yesterday's story, I had a dream about finding a dead fish behind the washing machine. 0_O

There's nothing to write about today morning, but yesterday... Yesh. Worst day ever.

My brother shifted the table and I'm not sure what happened next, but my toes somehow got injured and their skin is peeling off. One even peeled. Ow.

I also did a virus scan and found 3 viruses. -.-

I'm too lazy to type anything else, so........

~Elemental Magix

11:45 AM

Friday, December 19, 2008

Hey peeps...

So today I went to SMSS. Spent 2 hours there, and we got lost on the way. >.<

We weren't prepared and didn't bring enough cash to buy books, but we bought my school attires. By 'we' I mean my parents and I. My bro stayed at home.

... I look ridiculous in that new uniform. And WTH wears skirts for PE?!?!? Plus the prefects wear heels... sigh... this is gonna be some 4 years...

But I saw Asiya, Dion, Pei Shan, Larissa, Varija, Charissa and some others I recognize from primary school. So it might not be so bad... I hope.

Weird story. See, my cousin likes pets, so my grandmother bought him some goldfish quite some time ago. But he got bored. I mean, he's only 4 years old. But my grandmother still takes care of them. So I overheard my parents talking about when she was changing the water and when she checked the fish after she was done, 1 fish was missing. My aunt joked about it being washed down the sink. So my dad said that whenever we hear growling from some mutant monster below, run. I say throw down fish food so that it won't eat you.

...So what really happened? Nobody knows... except maybe the ants.

~Elemental Magix

11:14 AM

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hey guys~~! I'm back! Here's my log!

[Tuesday] Day 1:
Plane ride. Only got 2-3 hours of sleep. Sigh. I hate night flights.

[Wednesday] Day 2:
Bus ride to Narita(SP) Airport, then 1 hour plane ride to Hokkaido. Lunch- some crab restaurant, and I bought some key chains for my friends there. Rera Shopping Mall- I bought a pretty nice golden-coloured watch there. Also an AWESOME ice-cream... it seems that Hokkaido ice-cream is off the charts. Then...(wait for it...)... it snowed~~!!!!!!
Headed to an Ainu village/museum, lots of dried fish! Bears and dogs in the enclosures. Performance- Some lullaby in Ainu-ese, hunt ritual. I liked the latter. Hotel- Sleeping on tatami mats! Actually, I slept like a log, probably cause I was exhausted. Oh yeah, for dinner, we wore "yukata"s(SP), and sat on the floor. And there was anime on the TV! I forgot which though. There were a ton of the Bleach movie ads.

[Thursday] Day 3:
Breakfast- Milk is great. I drank 3 cups. Lol. Jigoku Dani, Hell Valley! Called that cause of the hot water below that causes steam to rise from the ground. Plus it stinks of sulfur. So THAT'S what rotten eggs smell like! Underground shopping mall- McDonalds ice-cream. Yay for ice-cream. Western bed tonight, plus I watched Naruto Shippuden, raw of course. Even Ice Age 2: The Meltdown, in Japanese. Lol.

[Friday] Day 4:
Ishiya Chocolate Factory! I bought yet another ice-cream. Think I'm addicted. Stopped by an old canal, something about history. I didn't really listen to the guide. "Orgel"=Music box. A historic red brick building sells music boxes. I switched a dolphin one with a swan one cause I liked the swan but didn't like the music. Saw how glass trinkets are made in a small building. Took a break at a cafe, with Hello Kitty cups for the coffee. You get to keep 'em. Hotel view of Lake Toya.

[Saturday] Day 5:
Snow sleighs! My brother and aunt took one ride. Me and my cousin made a snowman. Kinda ugly though. I loved to kick the hardened snow, especially big chunks. It's fun. Shopping mall, I went into a glass shop and bought a glass dolphin, ceramic dog, and music box tacks. Dinner-YES!!! A REAL FORK AND SPOON! PINCH ME, I'M DREAMING! No more Japanese food!

[Sunday] Day 6:
Bus ride- recap of what happened during the past few days. We stopped for 5 mins cause someone wanted to ensure that something was in the luggage. Asakusa Temple- I didn't pray. Lazy. Haven here. Bought Pokemon cards and figurines. :) Dinner- There were bells for us! But it was frikkin' noisy. Night walk- Damn I was tired, but I wanted to buy manga. I succeeded in my quest.

[Monday] Day 7:
I finally woke up at 8 am instead of the usual 6 am, it's a free-and-easy day. Went for a walk on the same path last night to go to the stores we didn't visit. I bought a miniature gachapon machine and another Pokemon figurine. And my brother bought a "gift" for his "friend"... snigger. Sorry, it's a secret. Lunch- queued up prettttyyy long for ramen. But it was worth it. The ramen was(for the lack of a better word), "oishii"!!!!! Airport: Bought chocolate for self, and cousins. Bought another manga, and A Pokemon neckstrap. So I'm obsessed with Pokemon. So sue me. Bought a cold Cocoa from Starbucks. Pretty decent. Plane ride- I barely won my mother in a game of Reversi. Ate Haagen-Daaz at 11pm. Lol. Slept when the plane was only half an hour from landing. Now after a taxi ride... Home Sweet Home.

Japanese words the guide taught(even though I know all of them, except for the sentance):
Oishii- Delicious
Arigatou gozaimasu(SP)- Thank you
Ohayou gozaimasu- Good morning
Konnichiwa- Good afternoon
Sumimasen- Exuse me/Sorry
Sayonara- Goodbye
Otsu kare sama desuta(SP?!?)- You've had a hard day
-san- Used for "Mr" and "Mrs"

And so ends my Japan trip log. Thanks for reading.
"Thank you for flying with ANA, a Star Alliance member. We hope that you had a pleasant flight."

~Elemental Magix

3:29 PM

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

This will be my last post for quite some time. I'll be back on 15th Dec.

Going to Japan tonight. Actually it's just the flight. But whatever. My brother went psycho and started cramming songs into his iPod. then he spammed me songs on MSN. So now, including my own added songs, I've got 121 new songs. My bro probably has more.

~Elemental Magix

12:24 PM

Sunday, December 7, 2008

To start off the morning, my father had a 'briefing' about the Hokkaido trip. I mean, WTF? 20 minutes of my life is wasted on 4 Powerpoint slides ad a Q&A. Sigh. Weirdest family ever. Brother who keeps shoving his iPod in my face with the album cover of Evanescence, the one with the face, I said it's creepy and this is what I get. Also spams my ChatBox very other day. A 4-year old cousin who runs out of the bathroom naked, and forces his father to play 'Commander'. "I level 12 already you only level 7." -.-

Life is weird. For me at least.

~Elemental Magix

11:14 AM

Saturday, December 6, 2008

So today, I went to Vivocity with my 2 aunts and my 8-year old cousin. We went to the ship(which name I forgot) which carted books round the world. The stairs were really weird. I didn't buy any books cause I didn't like them, but I did buy a neckstrap and stickers, plus some chocolate at The Cocoa Trees. Mmmm.

Lunch=spicy Korean noodles. Argh!! When the waitress told us that only the soup was spicy, I thought "Ok, I can take it." But it was as hot as Hell's furnace and my cousin couldn't take it, and ended up eating my aunt's spaghetti instead. We each downed a can of Coke and split a can of Sprite.

TimeZone arcade next. Ryan(cousin) played the aeroplane flight game for a while(you know, the seat-moving one) and then we both played the game where you shoot sharks and stuff, the game that me and my bro used to play in Plaza Singapura. We finished the game there, though I bet my bro did most of the shooting. After that we played some alien game. Because of that, my hand hurts. And my aunt got a 6-pack Coke because she topped up the card. 0_O She put it down on near the flight game seat, and on the top of the screen it put:"Seat locked. Sensors detect obstacles. Please remove them." or something along those lines. After that, throughout the game, the seat didn't bend so much that it would hit the area the Coke was put. Seriously, they are really cautious... Even those who can't read the notice if they can't read English wouldn't know WTF was the problem if a danger sign showed up on the screen.

We walked around for a while. I went to the ship, Sans bookshop, and some book fair in the central area, and still couldn't get a book. Sheesh. Guess I brought my money for nothing...

And thus ends the excursion to Vivocity. I bathed and drank a can of Nescafe which we won from IEcon because of some 'scratch-the-card-and-win' promotion. Better stop typing, my hands are getting tired.

~Elemental Magix

4:27 PM

Friday, December 5, 2008


This is Magix.

I am bored.

I am really,really bored.

Did I mention that I was bored?

Anyways, whenever I try and change the time to Singapore time, the template screws up and the words go to the side! WTF?!?!? Guess I'll change to that time when I get a new template.

~Elemental Magix

Going to Hokkaido in:4 days

6:04 PM

I deleted all the spam messages! In your face! Ha!

...Either it's me or my bro who has no life. He gives spam, I delete them. Sigh. At least it gives some excitement.

Well, there's nothing to type about... Oh! I deleted the virus!

~Elemental Magix

3:55 PM

Thursday, December 4, 2008

My com has a virus now...Because I was stupid enough to open a file from my friends 'virus-ed' laptop on MSN.Stupid,stupid,stupid.And my dad is too busy to delete it,and the scans won't pick it up.Sigh.I'll have to wait for the weekend for my dad.

~Elemental Magix

11:12 AM

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Wow...Three posts in 1 day...

Anyway,I bought 2 books from Borders. One's Warriors:Long Shadows(Yay!) and the other is The Fire Eternal.It's about dragons.Wink wink.


I guess it was kinda expected that the three weren't Squirrelflight's and Brambleclaw's kits.Who do you think their real parents are?I vote Leafpool and Crowfeather.Though Erin Hunter might give us a bit of a twist.

~Elemental Magix

6:45 PM

I'm only writing this cause my idiotic friend said my blog is dead.




That just shows how bored I am.

~Elemental Magix

1:01 PM

Today's my friend's birthday!Yay!~She's having a party but I'm not attending,cause my parents wouldn't allow it anyway.
There's a link up there,if you can't see it.
The song's by Corrine May.

The hols really suck.I've just been reading fanfiction and manga.I think my brain is rotting.Thus we're going Borders this afternoon.My brother isn't very happy about that.I bet he just wants to make a new Runescape Music Video.Lol.

~Elemental Magix

10:17 AM

Monday, December 1, 2008

Hi everyone....Those who view this blog probably know me,Kristin.I nicknamed myself Elemental Magix,or Magix for short.This is my fiirst blog ever and stuff,so don't go commenting "ur blog SUX" or something.Even though that's something I would do. XD I'm going to Japan in 8 days!Hallelujah!And I might not buy souvenirs for my friends,'cause how do I know if you're going to the secondary school I'm going to next year?

~Elemental Magix

12:14 PM